KY PGR Bylaws

Of the Patriot Guard Riders of Kentucky
Board of Directors




The name of the Board is the Patriot Guard Rider of Kentucky Board of Directors, here after referred to as the BOD.





The objectives of the BOD shall be to manage monies brought into the Treasury and ensure statutory Requirements for maintaining a tax-free status are met. Operational decisions with regard to day-to-day missions are retained by the State Ride Captain or Assistant State Ride Captain.





The BOD mission is to support the Patriot Guard Riders of Kentucky who, in turn, support the mission of the Patriot Guard Riders as addressed on the National PGR website at:



BOD Members


Section 1: Composition: The BOD shall be composed of no more than six active PGR of KY members. Kentucky Members active on the National PGR rolls meet these criteria.


Section 2: Dues: The BOD will make no police or directive requiring membership dues, fees or other monetary contributions to become or remain a member of the BOD. The BOD is and shall remain a voluntary body.


Section 3: Resignation: If a member wishes to withdraw from the BOD, he or she must submit a

letter or send an email to the State Captain, President of the Board or Secretary. Properly

submitted resignations will be accepted without action on the part of the BOD.





Section 1: Officers:  The officers shall be the President, vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


Section 2: Terms of Office:  The Term of Office for the BOD Officers shall be one year with no term limits Imposed. BOD members may be reappointed each year by the State Ride Captain. Candidates for each position shall be made known their willingness to serve on the BOD to the State Ride Captain. The State Ride Captain will determine whether to establish a requirement to have candidates provide a biographical sketch of qualifications.


Section 3: Removal of Members of the Board of Directors:  Anyone or more than one, of the Board of Directors may be removed for cause or by a majority of the BOD and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy this created. Any member(s) whose removal has been proposed by the BOD shall be given a ten-day notice of the calling of the meeting and the purpose thereof and he/she shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting.





Section 1: President:  It shall be the duty of the President to conduct the meeting of the BOD as well as conduct business activities and the long range planning of the BOD.


Section 2: Vice President:  The Vice President shall take the place of the President and perform those duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act. If the President and Vice President are unable to act, the Board of Directors shall appoint some other officer to act on an interim basis.


Section 3: Secretary:  The Secretary shall provide notice of meetings and keep the minutes of

the meeting. The Secretary will also publish the minutes of the meeting and complete correspondence necessary for the BOD, including sending the State Captain and President of the BOD the minutes in a timely manner.


Section 4: Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for overseeing the Treasury. As the Treasurer, to do a simple quarterly report of the income and expenses!. An account shall be established in the BOD’s name requiring two signatures from members of the Board of Directors for any transactions in the amount of $500.00 or more. Only one signature is required for amounts under $500.00. An annual financial statement will be prepared by a third-party accounting firm, or an Audit Committee comprised of three Association volunteers who are no on the Board of Directors, with the ending period December 31 each calendar year. A copy of these statements will be make available to any member of the PGR of KY upon receipt of a written request submitted to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will also be responsible for making sure and keeping the KY Patriot Guard Riders 501c3 current and up to date. Section 5: Pins and Patches Person: To distribute pins and patches when donations are made. Along with sending a quarterly report to the State Captain and President of the Board.





Section 1: Meetings:  The Board of Directors meetings shall be held annually during the calendar year whereas, 2/3’s of the Board Members are physically present by Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or other electronic means.


Section 2: Place of Meetings:  Meetings shall be held at a place specified by the President or Vice President of the BOD.


Section 3: Special Meeting:  The President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer of the BOD may call a special meeting.


Section 4: Meeting held via Electronic Media:  Meetings may be held through the means of electronic media such as Skype, Webinar etc., at no cost to the BOD or the Treasury.


Section 5: Notice of Meetings:  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail/email a notice to each BOD member of meetings or special meetings of the BOD.


Section 6: Adjournment of Meetings:  If any meetings of the BOD cannot be held because a quorum is not present or by proxy, the meeting may be adjourned to an alternate date and time.


Section 7: Order of Business:  The order of Business of all meetings of the BOD will be as the President directs and may follow the order listed:

·       Call to Order

·       Minutes of the Previous Meeting

·       Treasurer’s Report

·       Reports of Standing Committees

·       Reports of Special “ad hoc” Committees

·       Special Orders (as dictated by the Bylaws. Example: Elections)

·       Old Business

·       New Business

·       Announcements

·       Adjournment


Section 9: Voting:  The President of the BOD is a non-voting member except in the event of a tie vote.  In this event, the President may vote to break a tie or table the motion for further review.  The President may make motions or amendments and call for a vote.  The remaining officers and member are empowered to make motions, amendments and vote on motions.  Visitors and guests attending BOD meetings shall not have the power of the vote nor can they make motions.


Section 10: Proxies:  Proxy votes may be cast by a member of the BOD.  Proxies shall be dated and duly executed in writing or e-mail.  Proxies shall be valid only for the particular meeting designated therein and must be filed with the Secretary before the appointed time of the meeting.





Section 1: Overview:  PGR of KY and its BOD are a charitable organization, but do not solicit donations.  They are a loosely knit group of volunteers dedicated to honoring those listed in Article 1.  Funds needed for its operation are minimal and shall be kept to a minimum in the Treasury.  All funds donated to the BOD will be used primarily to fund consumables in support of the PGR of KY missions.  Consumables include, among other things, US flags, flag poles, stakes and flag covers.


Section 2: Access to Funds: It is not feasible for the Treasurer to be present at all PGR events. Therefore, the State Captain and Assistant State Captain shall be, provided the means to access funds to support the PGR Mission.  Expenditures over $300.00 require the notification of the Treasurer to ensure fund availability. Expenditures exceeding $500.00 requires the majority consent of the BOD.  The President can approve up to $300.00.


Section 3: Limitation on Fund Raising:  The BOD shall not exist for the primary purpose of raising large amounts of money or of acting as a clearing house for large contributions.  Further, since the needs of the organization are small, the BOD shall limit its fund raising activities to a minimum.


Section 4: Charitable Contributions to Organizations External to PGR:  Charitable contributions to organizations external to those identified in the PGR mission statement are prohibited.


Section 5: Dissolution:  In the event the BOD is disbanded, the assets will be used to further the objectives as outlined in Article Ill.


Section 6: Financial Liabilities:  The BOD shall not incur any indebtedness.





Section 1: Amendments:  The articles and subsequent amendments of the constitution of this organization may be amended by majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The membership at large may submit and recommend amendments to the Board of Directors in writing at any time.





Previous notice and a simple majority vote by the BOD can dissolve the BOD.  All outstanding business will be completed and forwarded to the State Ride Captain.  Money remaining in the treasury will be equally apportioned to all Senior Ride Captains through the State Ride Captain to be used to support the PGR of KY mission.


Agreed upon and executed on this day,

December 17, 2018

April 2023

National has come out with some New Bylaws and updated changes after their last National meeting. 

Please go to the National site then follow directions below:
  1. Go to the National page ( and Sign-in.
  2. Then click on the Members tab, which will give you a drop-down list.
  3. Go down to PGR Docs and Downloads, then click on it.
You will see various documents you can view and download. The date each document went into effect is beside the file.